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19F MR Techniques Augment Quantitative Molecular Imaging with Paramagnetic Perfluorocarbon Nanoparticles at 1.5T

Does Endocytosis of Perfluorocarbon Nanoparticles by Progenitor/Stem Cells Alter 19F Relaxation at 11.7T?

Fluorine Diffusion Measurements Confirm Intracellular Labeling of Perflurocarbon Nanoparticles in Therapeutic Stem/Progenitor Cells as Tracking Agents

Fluorine MR Angiography with Intravenously Delivered Nanoparticle Emulsions at 1.5 T

Labeling and Imaging Stem/Progenitor Cells with Multiple Unique Nanoparticulate Fluorine Markers: the Potential for Multispectral Stem Cell Detection with 19F MRI